Larios in the Digital City: October

Robert Larios, the Club’s Chief Operating Officer, honors Club members with the coveted Club Retirement Plaque.

Living History

After spending an afternoon with Ethel Pattison at the Flight Path Museum and Learning Center, I know what it’s like to be in the presence of history...

Witness to the Making of Modern LAX Says Goodbye

After an astounding 64 years of City service, Ethel Pattison is retiring. Here’s a look back at her amazing career...

Your Fellow City Employees Need You

During this virus pandemic, some City Employees and their families are facing hardships...

Scenes From a Pandemic: Part 7

Alive! continues its documentation of City employees as they take a multitude of measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic...

48,600 Club Care Calls, and Nearly Finished

The Club “Care Calls” project continues its efforts to call all 50,000 active Members to say hello and check on how you’re doing during...

PSR III Paulette Stanton, Club Member, retires after 32 years.

Police Service Representative III Paulette Stanton, Club Member, enjoyed her last roll call July 31 at Metro Communications Center. Paulette retires with 32 years of City service...

Public Library partially reopens with convenience, safe curbside service.

July 2, the Library and Mayor’s Office inaugurated Library to Go -- opening 18 Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) branches for curbside pickup and drop-off across the city...

Cooking at Home: Spiced Pork Chops With Braised Apple, Cabbage and Cranberries

Look no further of you are looking for a paleo gluten-free dish. This recipe, which calls for pork chops paired with antioxidant-rich cranberries, cabbage and apple, will keep you feeling great...

A First for Us; a Last for Ed

In this month’s issue we have a first (producing a cover story without actually visiting) and a last (the retirement of the longtime servant of Retired City employees, Ed Harding)...